The town itself is small but touristy, with specialty shops and restaurants catering to the western crowd. I didn't mind it too much. Honestly, traveling on my own, it's comforting to be able to get to something familiar.
I toured the town on foot, visiting a few temples . Temples, though, I don't's not like "you've seen one, you've seen them all" but honestly I'm a little templed out. I lived almost next door to one for a year, and you see them about every three blocks, so unless you study Buddhism.... anyway, they are gorgeous and make for a very peaceful stop in the middle of a scorching hot day.
I had some yummy Lao stew for dinner. They eat sticky rice here with every meal. You take a little ball of it and squish it in your hand, then dunk it in broth or grab a piece of veggie and down the hatch.
I took a one day weaving course. I'd always wondered about the whole process, so it was an interesting lesson. They collect the silk worms and let them build their cocoon.
By the end of the day, I had pounded indigo and turmeric to make my own dye...
The next day I bought a ticket for a 2-day boat trip up the Mekong. I would land in Houayxai to be transported to the Gibbon Experience. Before leaving I had to exchange some money ... I was a millionaire!!!! Okay, in Laos kip, but still exciting!
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